Revolutionize Your Reading Experience With Cutting-Edge AI

Embarking on an innovative expedition

Some of the mazing companies we have worked with


Dive into the world of reading Transforming experience


Book Finder

Snap, chat, and discover your next read!

AI-Powered book recommendations from a snapshot of spine or cover, through interactive conversations


Companion Reading

Quick character recaps without spoilers

Dynamic reading guidance suggesting what chapters to read based on your specific interests.


Note Taking

Capture your handwritten notes in a snap.

Input a page and paragraph number for rapid reference retrieval.


Actionable writing

Utilize NoteCopilot to leverage your library

Ask real-life questions to your past reads and notes, make invisible insights visible.

For those who perceive reading as dull or uninteresting. our product may not appeal .But if you've ever tasted the joy of reading - the exhilaration, enlightenment, and delight it brings - even if it's a distant memory,Hamnet is essentially designed for you !


Continually launching exploratory products